Monday, 24 August 2009

Should we do what we want to do?

Should we do what we want to do, when our partner doesn't agree with it?

This is a difficult one. For me I believe it depends on the outcome. We need to remember we are all individuals. We must be able to still do things which make us happy regardless of the relationship. If you have decided to do something which your partner does not like, first find out why he doesn't like it. You need to really look at the final outcome. Ask yourself these questions:

Will it benefit me or him?

Will I be happy with the final outcome?

Will it help me to achieve my goal?

How long will he be upset for?

Do you believe he will get over it, then accept it and move on?

Is it the best thing for you?

Will it make you truly happy?

Will it help you to move On?

I believe once you have the answers to those questions, then you should be able to make the right decision. There is no point in upsetting others if what you want to do is only a short term fix, to a long term problem.

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