Monday, 30 November 2009

So Your having a baby

Having a baby is a great thing in a relationship. Having a baby is joyous.  I would love to talk about having a fantastic experience being pregnant and with the partner, but unfortunately, I have not had that experience as I was a single mother.  What I do know is being alone and pregnant is one of the worse feelings ever.  Im not going to focus on being alone and pregnant, what I am going to do is talk about how great it is to have someone whilst you are pregnant, and how wonderful it is to have someone feel when your baby is moving around inside of you, going along to those scans and seeing your baby for the first time together.  I know how wonderful that must be as I imagined those things for years.

Another thing about being pregnant and having a baby, is all the things you are about to learn about babies, all the new things the old things.  Things from what your own parents told you.  There are some things we learn by default, some things we don't have any idea about.  Being pregnant and having babies is a very emotional thing.  We need to have as much support as we possibly can from our loved ones especially.  Our hormones will be all over the place we will even get our partner upset with us at times. He will not always be as understanding as you need him to be, as he is not aware of all the changes going on inside.

Going into labour is another experience all together.  We go to all the antenatal classes with all the advice on what to do, the next thing you know you are out of control once you do go into labour.  when the baby is born, raising the baby into a child and then an adult is another story.

Being pregnant I believe we must enjoy it with our partner, we need to cherish every moment we can.  Get all the attention possible and be spoilt by him as much as possible.  I was very young when I had my children but I do know how great it feels to be spoilt by anyone, so to be spoilt by your partner/husband whilst you are pregnant would be fantastic.

Enjoy every moment of it. Put your feet up rest, be nice to your partner so he can be as understanding as you need him to be so you can get spoilt more. Let him enjoy those moments with you too.  I know it can be hard at times as we feel upset and emotional during our pregnancy at times, but allow him to be as supportive as he wants to be and as supportive as he can be.  Let him take over with many things, enjoy your pregnancy you deserve to.

Sunday, 29 November 2009

Relationships and Debt

This is the time of year when things can get nasty for some relationships. One its xmas season and two this crunch! I would just like to say, if you find yourself getting really irrate with your partner at this time of year, try not to stress too much. You wont be the only one with financial problems.

Relationships shouldn't be spoiled due to the lack of funds. Just dont expect too much from each other at this time of year. if you are flushed with the cash then its great for you, you can enjoy your xmas without the money worries. Women dont get distressed at him if he cant afford to do the things for you that he usually does, or that you expect him to do, especially if you know that money is tight. There are so many things you can buy each other on a budget. As long as all your xmases are not lacking thats the main thing. If all your xmases are lacking then you need to ask yourself a few questions about your relationship. No one should have bad years every year!

If you know that things have been tight for a while then you should not expect an over lavish xmas. Dont stress yourself and your partner out. Just take it easy this time and enjoy each other instead. Have a differant xmas this year. One where you focus on just the two of you. Or should I say where you focus more on the two of you. Plan for next year xmas to be a better one. If you have debt now because of the crunch, the last thing you need to do now, is put yourself in more debt just for a few days event! If you go over the top and top up the debt on those cards, you and your partner will have more to argue about in january when those bills come rolling in.

So if I was you I would enjoy your one another then when xmas is all over you can look back, see how much money you saved and how much fun you both had with each other. no arguing over extra bills either.

If you are having finanacial problems please read this.

Release yourself from debt

Friday, 27 November 2009

After the Storm the Calm

Its so great to see when relationships become good, after going through many years or long periods of bad times. I believe you have to want it to work for it to work. Although there are people out there who are in long term relationships and have made it work by going through all the crazy things together, accepting a lot of negative things about one another, or ignoring the negative things about one another. Firstly I will say this does not account for all relationships. I am speaking about a few relationships I have watched over the years.

There is one particular relationship I know of, where both parties were not very nice to each other. It made me wonder why they were still together. I must say now that it is a great thing to see now that after 10 years of being together and most of the relationship being negative, that they have finally worked things out. I will take some of the credit here, with my advice over the years and watching them put my advice into action. They are now very loving towards one another. They holiday together they wine and dine each other, they really do appreciate one another, it is a great thing to see its even better hearing about how they now feel for one another. Their relationship had to do a complete turnaround, they have found the respect they should have had in the beginning, for each other. They love each other and show it.

With the correct advice taking the criticism, learning to accept where you have gone wrong. Learning not to pass the blame, they have had to look deeply within themselves to get to where they are now. So all of you out there who are finding things difficult with your partners, it is possible to change the way things are, especially if you both want to be with one another.

Be patient look into your selves and ask yourselves these questions.

Do you still want to be with your partner?

Do you love him?

Could you fancy him again?

Do you think he loves you?

Amongst other questions. Ask yourself those first, if you can answer yes to just those questions, then there is hope for you. Just hang in there. If you would like like to hear more about this, leave your details to receive more in depth information.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Single Women online Dating

I am happily married, but I havnt always been. I have had some awful experiences with relationships in the past, like most people. The only problem is I was one of those women who didnt learn by her mistakes. I kept making the same mistakes over and over again and wondering why I was always a singleton. So believe me I know what its like to be single. The reason Im speaking about this is because, its all been a bit quiet here with me lately as I have been in the process of setting up another blog. This one focuses more on single people.

My blog dedicates its self to Online dating, its a very niche market, but it works. I have created a link for anyone who would like to take a look at that site, for any single friends. I believe the two sites can work hand in hand with one another.

I remember being single, its not always as bad as some people make it out to be. I suppose it depends on what you are looking for. Some people have got to be in a relationship, whilst others are just glad for the attention, without the commitment.

I wont go on about it too much,. Tomorrow I will be focusing on relationships.

Monday, 2 November 2009

Katie price and Peter andre

I have been reading so many things about Peter and Katie. Everyday there is something in the papers about them. I think there is so much to learn about their relationship. I believe they went into the public lime light far too early. They didn't give themselves enough time to get to know one another to go out into the public like that. We need to be careful how we expose our new relationships within the public, including friends and family. Lets get to know one another first. The strain can become too much. Look what it did to these two.