Monday, 19 April 2010

Staying Beautiful for you

We have those days at times when we just feel ugly even though we are not.  We also have the days when we feel so beautiful inside and out nothing can spoil our day no matter who comes to try and test us.  Being beautiful inside and outside is a must for us women.  We know what beauty is, the beauty which relates to us as individuals.

What I think to be beautiful another person may not.  Its what we see for ourselves that matters.  When we feel beautiful inside and out, so does our relationships. We give out what we feel.  If you feel ugly or less attractive for the day, do something about it. We can all make ourselves feel and look beautiful.  If you look into the mirror and you dont like what you see change it.  Put some make up on and make your face glow.  Get a sun tan if you need one. Change your hair style, buy a new outfit. Do something about your beauty.  Its there just look in the mirror and see your own beauty.

Its so important for us to feel great about the way we look and feel, our partners will pick up on it and treat us exactly how we feel.  So go the extra mile and take care of yourself.  Dont let yourself go, just becuase you have put on some weight, it doesnt mean it has to stay there.  Get rid of it.  Just becuase you have gained a few lines, they dont have to stay there either, depending on how far you want to go, you can also get rid of that too!

If your car broke down would you leave it on the roadside or would you pay the extra few hundred pounds to fix it?  Well if you have a few things that need tending to I would say dont leave it by the way side, fix it!  Enjoy what you look at in the mirror.  Feel good and let others feel what you are feeling too. 

How many of you wear your favourite perfume only on special occassions?  Listen wear it all the time, life is for living and enjoying, have fun look good and let him get the hots for you everyday, not just once in a while.  Make the effort and make it happen.