Let me give you an example:
You are sleeping with/seeing someone else, obviously behind your partners back. Then you do something like, for example, get all dressed up with loads of aftershave on or perfume you get yourself all done up to go out "alone". Your about to step out of the door when your partner has a go at you, an arguement starts. You know you are about to go and do some deceitful. Your partner is not silly, he or she has seen the texts you receive early hours of the morning, you switch your phone off at night! You get those phone calls where your are hardly speaking, just one word answers.
So you got all this going on and now your all dressed up looking good and smelling good. You are on your way out the door and you expect your partner not to say anything to you! What is all that about? Why do people who cheat act like victims at this time? So your partner starts on you, telling you, they know what you are up to. You then play the victim. You call people and tell them how your partner is mad, they are accusing you of all kinds of things. You start to say many negative things about your partner, knowing exactly what you are about to go and do. Your partner is not mad, you are the one who is going out to deceive your partner.
Why do we do this? Do we not know there is such a thing as Karma? If this is what you are doing to another human being don't you think it is best for you to leave and move on? why are you still there?
I believe when it gets to this stage, its time for one of you to move on permanently. The one doing the cheating should leave. Why are you still there? Are things too nice for you at home what is it?