Sunday, 16 May 2010

The power of Love

Love is a very powerful emotion.  The feeling of love can make you do things you never believed you could.  Love makes you feel empowered. Not only do you have a constant smile in your heart, you also have a smile coming through your words.

Being in love and being loved is the perfect recipe for a beautiful relationship.  Any relationship without love can not and will not last.  When the love goes some one must go.  You can only cause damage to your own emotions by staying in a loveless relationship.

Once you fall in love and the love comes back, cherish it and nurture it, to keep it alive.  Love needs to be cared for and cherished. Love must not be ignored and left to grow on its own.  Nothing grows without some kind of nurturing.

If you are in love and you are being loved, allow it to grow into a beautiful flower.  Do whatever it takes to allow it to grow.

Love is Beautiful.

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